30 jul 2008


No nos quisimos perder cómo se batió el Record Guinness mundial de Spinning dentro de la 1ª Feria de Fitness de Xàtiva. Y allí estrenamos, en exclusiva, la performance y coreografía "Dinamo" con la música electrónica del compositor Enzo Avagliano, ante más de 300 bicicletas. Enhorabuena a CentralGym y a todos los spinneros!


We did not want to miss a world Guinness Record for static cycling, which was organised for the 1st Fitness Event in Xàtiva. Therefore we premiered, for the occasion, the performance and choreography "Dinamo" to an electronic music score by Enzo Avagliano, in front of more than 300 hundred bicycles. Congratulations to Centralgym and all the participants!!

foto: Portaldexativa.es